You are now a member of the GlutLess Club. You’re on your way to erasing gluttony for good because you’ve just made a conscious decision to better yourself.
Every step counts, and you just took the first one. I’m really proud of you, because I know how hard it can be sometimes to seek help. So make sure to give yourself a pat on the back, because you deserve it.
The GlutLess Energy and GlutLess Sleep that you just got is the beginning of your journey.
In just a little while, you’re going to reveal a thinner, healthier, happier and more confident version of yourself to the world. Because with GlutLess Energy and Sleep, you’ll be eating less and doing more.
You’ll have the revitalized energy of a younger you and you’ll be feeling like your old self again.
But to keep it that way, you’ve got to stay consistent.
The one bottle of GlutLess Energy and one bottle of GlutLess Sleep will last you for a month, 30 days to be exact.
But that’s it.
After that, if you stop being consistent with your habits, there’s a huge chance you’ll fall off the tracks again. And you could end up going down that dark rabbit hole once more. You could fall back into the same cycle of over-eating and gorging yourself on unhealthy foods, and that will mean losing everything that you’ve worked for.
It’s not hard to fall off the tracks. You pass by a fast food on your way home from work and it’s over. You’re pulled back into that cycle of gluttony and gaining fat.
So the important thing is to keep going, and to stay consistent. It’s the little habits that turn into lifelong changes.
Remember, say it with me.
Go on, say it loud so you can hear yourself.
And to make sure that you stay consistent, you’re going to have to keep going after 30 days. Because just a month is a really short amount of time, and if you’re more than 10 lbs overweight, it’s not going to cut it.
Remember, we need to give your body time to burn all your excess fat up, time and consistency.
So if you want lasting results, you’re going to need to keep going.
You need to keep on that track until you’re way in the clear, clear of ever gaining back that heavy, burdening fat again.
So, I did what I could and it wasn’t easy. But as a special token of appreciation from me to you, I’m able to give you something today that will really be helpful to your journey of self-improvement.
Because you purchased BOTH GlutLess Energy and GlutLess Sleep together, I was able to pull some serious strings. Where I’m able to offer you another bottle each of GlutLess Energy and Sleep, for $39 a bottle.

And the only time I can offer you this is TODAY. Because it’s actually not profitable to sell it at this price point.
But there’s a difference between big pharma and I, I personally care about your journey.
I care about you, and whether you get long-term results or not.
I don’t want to see another life lost to this fight, so I’m doing everything I can to keep you on the right path.
So stay on the right course, and make sure you don’t fall off the tracks again after 30 days. Set yourself up to win instead of lose.
By securing your next month’s supply of GlutLess Energy and Sleep for just $39 a bottle. That’s a discount of 30 dollars a bottle or 60 dollars in total for both.
You won’t see this price again.
It’s just something special I was able to swing for you today because I really want you to win this time.
So secure your second month’s supply now for just $39 a bottle and keep on the right track by staying away from gluttony.
That’s a total of $78 for another 30 days of being gluttony free.
Because you promised yourself that you’re done, right?
Be done with gluttony, once and for all by clicking the button below.

Stay on track and claim your life back now.
60 days of good habit is a lot further than 30, it’s a whole extra month. It’s another big step closer to your goal, and every step counts.
So stay on track, I’m rooting for you.
Don’t miss your chance at getting another month’s supply for 44% less, because once you pass on this opportunity, that’s it.
I won’t be able to swing something like this for you again, I only had this one chance to do this for you and I took it.
So click on that button below and seize this opportunity to stay on track.
I believe in you.

Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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